June 2024
Commissioned sound art piece for the Sound of the Sun Compilation.

Commissioned by UNIT/PITT Gallery.
Included in the UNIT/PITT Gallery “Sound of the Sun” Compilation, 2024.

Released in digital and cassette format.

HEAT explores violent elements of the sun – the impact of the heat on organic and non-organic objects; the sun’s potentially damaging ultraviolet rays; the constant explosions that are part of the sun’s core essence; and solar flares. At the same time, HEAT acknowledges the importance of these violent resurrections and renewals, celebrated across cultures and history through stories. These stories are presented in the piece as movements, for example the clicks and explosions of sun god Surya’s chariot riding over the exploding sun, the violent impact of the blinding sun when Plato’s philosopher steps into truth, and a more modern story depicting the impacts of heat waves and their effect on air quality and our respiratory systems.

The piece uses both analog and digital techniques and includes analog tape loops processed through a four track with cassette tape that has been damaged by heat, sunlight, and continuous wear alongside other production sources and methods. The melting and worn cassette tape echoes the damaging power of the sun and the season that the summer solstice brings. The original sound sources include violins, NASA audio recordings of the sun, synthesizers, and voice – specifically breath.